Department of Police Oversight and Community Safety: About Us
Enhancing Oversight
The department is expanding its monitoring of police stations across the province, focusing on police conduct, visible policing, and Gender-Based Violence, particularly the SAPS compliance with the Domestic Violence Act. In fulfilment of its oversight mandate over the SAPS, the court-watching brief unit monitors SAPS investigations of criminal cases to identify inefficiencies within the policing system. We established the Office of the Western Cape Police Ombudsman to support the department's mandate for police oversight. By conducting impartial investigations into the SAPS and municipal police agencies in the province, the Ombudsman performs a significant role.
The department generates an annual Policing Needs and Priority report for allocating resources to the Western Cape and developing policy as outlined in Section 206 (1) and (2) of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa.
Building Resilience
To enable strong and resilient communities, we follow a whole-of-society and whole-of-government approach to strengthen safety partnerships and structures. The department has created a safety network comprising relevant safety role players, which includes the Private Security Sector. The department is currently exploring the integration of technology to improve safety platforms in rural areas.
We have strengthened the Chrysalis Academy programme to include community-based strategies and interventions for youth, including the appointment of Chrysalis Youth Hub Ambassadors to offer young people in priority areas further support once they return to their communities after attending the residential training programme. The Department continues to provide 12-to-24-month work placement opportunities to youth across the province.
Reducing Alcohol Harms
The Western Cape Liquor Authority is linked with the Department of Police Oversight and Community Safety. The department is in the process of developing public health-based alcohol harms reduction strategies and interventions to reduce alcohol-related harms in the province while minimising the impact on the economy. To this end, we are amending the Western Cape Liquor Act and Regulations to enable the policy environment to effectively respond to the reduction of alcohol-related harms and the abuse of alcohol, which is a significant contributor to violence in the Western Cape.
Creating Safe Spaces
Our award-winning Security Support Teams provide reliable, responsive, and effective security services to protect WCG assets and facilities. The department creates an effective policy environment that drives transversal safety and security issues to ensure that best practices in security and occupational health and safety are in place. The department is committed to adopting innovative solutions to boost its safety and security technology footprint in the province.
Safe and cohesive communities
In pursuit of community safety, the Department will promote professional policing through effective oversight as legislated, capacitate safety partnerships with communities and other stakeholders (whole-of-society) and promote safety in all public buildings and spaces.
Organisational Structure